Use our color search tool to evaluate a combination of colors for cabinet and wall comparison (on the below sample room). With thousands of colors to choose from, our search tool will provide you with the exact color code and name that you can use when electing to use our tinting service, ensuring we match your desired color precisely. Our database includes a wide range of colors from renowned brands such as Benjamin Moore, Behr, Sherwin Williams, PPG, Avery, Color House, Dunn Edwards, Dutch Boy Paints, Farrow and Ball, Kilz, Valspar, and Vista. The system uses the hexadecimal color code and HSL color model to ensure accurate representation of colors for each provider listed; however, please keep in mind that color consistency can be influenced by individual monitor settings and may differ slightly from the final physical color once the paint is tinted. We recommend using this as a reference. Our tintometric system will use the actual physical color of the provider’s color code for the final product.